We enjoyed banana margaritas while vacationing in Mazatlan Mexico and have been trying to duplicate them every since. This recipe brings back great memories....
Serve the ultimate country-club libation: gimlets. Swap out vodka and Rose's lime juice for cucumber gin, fresh lime, and simple syrup tinged with mint,...
This is a dangerously tasty spiced honey vodka recipe that I have perfected over the years. It has some similarities to Polish Krupnik, but with several...
This recipe was a total accident. Never thought when I asked for light rum that I would be given mango-flavored rum, but it turned out wonderfully. Nice...
Don't let the rum sneak up on you in this refreshing tropical drink. Serve in cold glasses with a wedge of lime.From the book "Lucinda's Authentic Jamaican...
This signature cocktail combines bourbon whiskey with effervescent ginger ale to create a refreshing beverage that matches well with a number of appetizers...
Similar to a Tom Collins, the John Collins is made with bourbon whiskey instead of gin, but still mixes in lemon juice, simple syrup, and club soda to...
America's Original Craft Vodka, a splash of color, fresh blueberries, all topped with bubbles. No matter how you're celebrating the season, raise a Tito's...
There's no alcohol in our recipe for a cucumber drink flavored with mashed mint leaves and lime, but this lightly sweet beverage is more refreshing than...
What we have here is a Manhattan cocktail, only with Benedictine replacing sweet vermouth and Peychaud's® instead of Angostura® bitters. You can garnish...
After scouring the Internet in search of an extra-special cocktail for our Willy Wonka-themed backyard movie party, it became apparent that I would have...
Inspired by the Church Lady Martini. No vodka, so I guess it technically isn't a martini. I used the measures listed below for a small, delicious serving...
We're here to tell you that cantaloupe has a lot going for it. Fragrant, sweet, and a touch creamy, it is a perfect pairing for the basil-infused syrup...
At the end of the 19th century, Americans discovered one of Cuba's secrets: a simple combination of rum, sugar, and lime that achieved fame as the daiquiri,...
This delightful cocktail was a hit at the country club where we had my cousin's bridal shower. As soon they tasted mine, everyone was up there ordering...
Dress up after-dinner-drinks with a Jim Beam Black® Manhattan cocktail, worthy of a black-tie affair. An earthy, herbal flavor emerges when you mix Angostura®...
A great refreshing summertime drink that I had in Cancun. Enjoyed it so much I got the recipe from the bartender and make it all summer long. For added...
Not so much the drink of Ernest Hemingway, but rather the drink inspired by the author, the Hemingway daiquiri is a sweet and tart rum drink that packs...
I enjoy infusing different spirits with unique veggies or fruits. Infusing spirits is so easy but patience is a must in order to achieve the final product....
This is a fun drink to make for friends. Every time I serve it to someone new they are amazed that it tastes so much like chocolate cake. To drink, first...
This cocktail is made with icy Moscato d'Asti, which is sweeter than champagne but much lighter than the rich dessert wine also made from Italian moscato...